Abdominal Hernias



What is a groin hernia?

A bulge in the groin area caused by weakened muscles in the lower abdomen is known as an inguinal (groin) hernia. This type of hernia occurs when the intestines and the peritoneum (a thin membrane) push through the weakened muscles, creating a bulge under the skin. 

Are all groin hernias similar in nature, or are there any differences?

There are two main types: indirect and direct inguinal hernias. Indirect hernias are more common and may be congenital, especially in men, due to the pathway of testicle descent. In women, they can occur if reproductive organs or intestines slide into the groin area. Direct hernias are exclusive to men and develop over time due to abdominal muscle weakening.

Is an inguinal hernia a dangerous medical condition?

Inguinal hernias can enlarge over time, potentially leading to trapped intestines and loss of blood supply, which is known as a strangulated hernia.

What are the risk factors for inguinal hernias?

Hernias are more prevalent in men and can develop on one or both sides of the body. They can either be congenital or develop gradually over time due to increased abdominal pressure, such as straining, coughing, being overweight, or lifting heavy objects. Additionally, factors such as family history and premature birth can increase the risk of developing hernias.

What are the most common symptoms?

Symptoms of a hernia may include a visible bulge in the groin area, which can increase in size when straining and decrease when lying down. Pain, weakness, pressure, burning, or aching in the groin or scrotum are common symptoms. In severe cases, such as strangulated hernias, symptoms can include severe pain, redness, fever, rapid heart rate, and nausea.

How hernia is diagnosed?

Doctors diagnose hernias by reviewing medical history and conducting a physical exam to identify a bulge in the groin or scrotal area, which may become more noticeable when standing or coughing.

How is a hernia repaired?

Treatment generally involves surgery, especially for symptomatic hernias. Surgical methods include open repair, involving an incision in the groin, and minimally invasive approaches like laparoscopy or robotic-assisted repair​​.

Is there a way to prevent hernias?

Proper lifting techniques, treatment of underlying conditions such as constipation, coughs, and prostate enlargement, and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the chance of direct hernias.